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Material & Asset Tracking

NextGen Mapping offers you a material and asset tracking solution using drone technology that delivers safe, accurate, fast, and automatic inventory checks - with frequency depending on your requirements.

Our aerial solution is designed to simplify the managerial work by replacing the traditional method of collecting information about what volume of materials are on/off site (i.e. end of month reporting). We make sure that we will track the exact geo-location as well as the status of valuable materials and assets such as part containers, semi-finished and finished products, raw materials, and assembled modules.

Data produced by our mapping drones/UAV’s enables you to track the whole performance of your assets accurately. As a result, there will be reduced inefficiencies while gaining visible opportunities. Apart from that, you can also expect:


  • More seamless tracking progress

  • Easy accessibility through cloud-based integration

  • More accurate readings

  • More precise digital data

  • Lower costs and less risk

  • Reduced tracking process and analysis time

  • Better iteration and higher feasibility

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